What is the best way to ensure my portions are correct?

This comprehensive guide to portion control is here for you. In my role as a licensed dietician and clinical nutritionist, I'm often asked: "How can I make sure that the portion sizes I use are correct?" It is important to know how much food you consume as well as what it contains. This article will discuss the importance of portion management, how to get started, accurate examples of serving sizes and other suggestions that can help on your path towards better eating habits.

It is important to measure portions accurately

Your health and well-being are affected by the accuracy of your portions. Even healthy food can cause weight gain and obesity if you eat too much. Under-eating, on the other hand can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Both scenarios pose risks to overall health.

In a study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that the size of the portion directly affects energy intake. Researchers found that an increase in the size of meals leads to increased food intake, which can lead to weight gain. Understanding and controlling your portion size is therefore a vital part of maintaining both a balanced and healthy diet.

Get Started With Portion Control

It may be overwhelming to start with portion control, but you don't need to. Start by learning about the recommended portion sizes of different foods. You can find this information on food packages or reliable websites like USDA's Choose My Plate.

A kitchen scale can also prove to be useful. You can accurately measure the portions of your food. Consistency is important, so measure the food every time until you feel comfortable with estimating portions without a scale.

Portion Sizes in Accurate Measurements

Other Tips to Ensure Accurate Portion Measurements

By giving the impression of eating more, smaller plates help to control portions. A study in the Journal of Consumer Research confirmed this psychological trick known as the Delboeuf Illusion. Researchers found that when food is presented on a smaller plate, people tend to consume less.

Fill half your plate with fruit and vegetables. It is important to ensure that you get enough nutrition and also control your portions.


A healthy diet is dependent on a well-balanced meal plan. This involves knowing the recommended portion sizes, measuring food consistently, and implementing strategies such as eating off smaller plates or filling up half of your plate with fruit and vegetables. Following these guidelines will help you master the art of controlling your portion sizes.
