What effect does the order of meals (e.g., eating vegetables first) have on weight loss? How does meal sequencing (e.g., eating vegetables first and eating them in order) impact weight loss?

This article will discuss the impact that your eating order, starting with your vegetables, has on your weight-loss journey. In my role as a licensed dietician and clinical nutritionist, I will share scientific insights, practical tips, and real-life stories to assist you in understanding and leveraging meal sequencing.

How to Lose Weight by Meal Sequencing

The order of eating different foods during meals is called meal sequencing. It may seem insignificant, but research shows that the order of your meals can have a significant impact on your digestion and blood sugar levels.

In a study published in Diabetes Care, it was found that eating protein and vegetables first before carbs resulted lower levels of post-meal insulin and glucose than carbohydrates. It is crucial to do this because a high insulin and blood sugar level can cause weight gain, and can hinder weight loss.

How to Start with Meal Sequencing

You can start by eating vegetables before anything else. Vegetables are high in fiber, but low in calories. This helps you to feel satisfied without adding extra calories.

Then, you can move onto your sources of protein, such as fish, chicken or tofu. Protein is also important for satiety. It helps to reduce hunger and stop overeating. Finalize your meal by adding carbohydrates. You should be satisfied with your protein and vegetables by this time, which will help you to limit carbohydrate consumption.

Example of Meal Sequencing to Lose Weight

Other Tips on Meal Sequencing

It's beneficial to start your meal with water, as well as vegetables. Drinking water can reduce appetite and boost feelings of fullness. This helps to promote weight loss. Eat slowly and mindfully. It gives your brain time to recognize that you are full and prevents overeating.


Weight loss can be achieved by eating your vegetables first. You can reduce your insulin and blood sugar levels by eating low-calorie vegetables with high fiber before carbohydrate consumption. It's also important to keep in mind that the order of your meals is only one part of maintaining a healthy life. Exercise, sleep and stress management all play a role in weight loss that is sustainable and good for your health.
