What is the best way to manage my portion size when eating high-calorie food like cheese or nuts?

Many people who want to keep a healthy body weight and are concerned about diet ask this question. It's important to control the portions of high-calorie foods, such as nuts and cheese. This discussion will cover the importance of portion management, as well as how to start, examples, and tips.

The importance of portion control with high-calorie foods

For a healthy, balanced diet that prevents weight gain, portion control is key. Nuts and cheese, which are high in calories but also rich in nutrients, can cause weight gain if consumed excessively. National Institutes of Health study shows portion control is important for weight loss and weight management.

Get Started With Portion Control

It may seem difficult to begin with, but with practice it becomes easier. To ensure that you are getting the right serving size, use measuring tools like kitchen scales or measuring cups. According to a study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, visual cues are also helpful in estimating portion sizes. A serving of cheese, for example, should roughly be the same size as a couple of dice.

Example of how to manage portions with high-calorie foods

More Tips on Portion Control

Use smaller bowls and plates to fool your brain to think you are eating more. The Journal of Consumer research published research that proved the effectiveness of this psychological trick known as Delboeuf's illusion. Fill up your plate with low-calorie foods that are high in volume, such as vegetables. Then move on to high-calorie food.


Maintaining a healthy diet requires that you manage portion size when eating high-calorie food like cheese and nuts. You can still enjoy the nutrient rich foods you love without consuming too many calories by understanding portion control. It's important to remember that it is not only what you eat but how much.
