Do I need to take digestive enzymes for weight loss in order to increase nutrient absorption?

This article will answer the question "Should i take digestive enzymes during weight loss to increase nutrient intake?" It is common for people who want to lose weight to ask this question. In my role as a clinical nutritionist and licensed dietician, I will provide insight on the importance of digestion enzymes for weight loss. This is backed up by research and scientific studies. The importance of digestive enzymes will be discussed, as well as how to start using them and any additional suggestions or tips that may help you on your journey towards weight loss.

Why Digestive enzymes are important for weight loss

The digestive enzymes are essential for the metabolism of our bodies. They break down food to nutrients that can be absorbed. Ongoing research is being done to determine if supplemental digestion enzymes help with weight loss. A few studies have suggested that supplements like these could improve digestion, and increase nutrient intake. This may lead to weight loss. It's also important to remember that these results aren't conclusive and further research in this field is required.

Taken in excess, digestive enzymes can cause stomach upset and diarrhea. There are also possible side effects such as diarrhea or stomach upset, especially if the supplements are taken excessively. Before starting any supplement regime, it's important to speak with your healthcare provider.

Get Started With Digestive Enzymes

It's vital to discuss the possibility of taking digestive enzymes as a weight-loss aid with your physician or dietitian. Your doctor or dietitian can determine whether this is the right approach for you, based on both your health and nutrition needs. They can also guide you in the correct dosage and time for using these supplements. While digestive enzymes can help with nutrient absorption they shouldn't replace a healthy diet or regular exercise.

Example of digestive enzymes and their role in weight loss

Other Tips

While digestive enzymes may help with nutrient absorption and weight loss, the role of these enzymes is still not fully understood. Other factors to be considered include a healthy diet, physical activity and stress management. Consult a medical professional prior to starting any new supplementation or diet.


While there is some evidence that suggests digestive enzymes may aid nutrient absorption, and possibly contribute to weight reduction, further research is required. The supplements should not be considered a miracle cure and used in conjunction with a holistic approach to weight reduction that involves diet, lifestyle changes, and exercise. Consult your healthcare provider prior to starting any new supplements.
